Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC want’s to know why no on is talking about Bernie Sanders after the second of two opening Democratic Debates this past week?
As we know, the mainstream media in the United States has a big hand in driving political discussion. Hell despite Donald Trump‘s petulant whining about ‘fake news’, he of all people should be thanking the MSM for the huge solid they gave him in the near 24-hour coverage of his presidential campaign.
So why aren’t people ‘talking about Bernie’ anymore Ms. Wallace?
Well, this clip was taken in the immediate aftermath of the Democratic Debate Tuesday so you tell us, why aren’t you talking about him?
Were Kamala Harris‘ political jabs at Joe Biden that noteworthy considering everyone was already coming to realize (if they haven’t already) the former VP’s checkered past as a U.S. Senator?
Or are we seeing the other side of the narrative here? A billion dollar corporation like MSNBC (who’s owned by Comcast) trying to drive the conversation away from Bernie Sanders who more than any candidate who has spoken out against big business while vowing to hold them accountable for their exploitation of the middle class? I’m willing to bet the corporate media is much more interested in driving the conversation towards the more friendly neoliberals (Harris, Biden, Buttigieg, etc) to their cause rather than a self-proclaimed democratic socialist like Sanders.