The actions by Iran will not be “tolerited” by Donald Trump.
Wednesday, Donald Trump addressed the American people in regard to the retaliation attack by Iran against two U.S. airbases in Iraq Tuesday night. The retaliation came in the wake of the United States assassinating top Iranian General Qasem Soleimani last week while he was conducting diplomacy in Iraq.
Trump began his speech saying, “As long as I’m president of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. Good morning. I’m pleased to inform you, the American people should be extremely grateful and happy. No Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime.”
Okay… its great no one was killed despite Trump’s neocon, hawkish approach to basically everything Iran. You’d think too the World was much better off with the Iran Nuclear Deal in place until Trump had to stroke his ego and tear it apart. But yeah, everyone is safer and Iran is not going to have nuclear weapons while Trump is President, because well, he said so. Pay no attention though to Iran restarting it’s uranium enrichment programs though.
Trump continued stating, “Our great American forces are prepared for anything. Iran appears to be standing down.”
Of course, though, a Donald Trump speech in front of the Nation wouldn’t be complete without its fair share of verbal diarrhea.
Trump continued to do what he does best which is spew outright lies which included labeling Soleimani as the World’s ‘top terrorist’ which we’re pretty sure he isn’t. Fuck, Trump didn’t even know who Soleimani was four years ago and probably still wouldn’t know who he was if it wasn’t for Hugh Hewitt. Dollars to donuts too, I’m sure most of the American public had zero clue who the hell Soleimani was which probably isn’t good for the whole notion of trying to pass someone off as the “World’s top terrorist”.
Trump went on to continue to lambast Obama giving back the large sums of money to Iran towards the end of his term in office. No. 45 ignored the fact though that the money sent to Iran was actually their own money which was unfrozen after they signed on to the nuclear agreement.
Trump also called on European nations to walk away from the nuclear deal with Iran and negotiate something new because he’s displayed those negotiating skills sooooo well during his time in office.
On the other hand, in all fairness to Trump when it came to the same imperialistic policies, the current President of the United States wasn’t really any different when it came to spouting off the same neoconservative and neoliberal bullshit from those before him.
The United States was going to continue to hold Iran hostage with even more crippling sanctions and the U.S. is still going to have a huge presence in the Middle East. The United States will then play the victim when the people of the region speak and act out their desires to oust the American empire.