In the wake of the Dayton mass shooting in which a 24-year-old took the lives of nine innocent people, Massachusetts metalcore band The Acacia Strain out of all of a sudden found themselves being mentioned in the tragedy.
This came after the shooter was allegedly wearing a TAS hoodie while unleashing the horror early Sunday morning. The only evidence of this was a picture taken which supposedly shows the shooter dead on the ground with the hoodie on. This picture hasn’t been confirmed but is making its rounds on social media.
Meanwhile looking for a quick scapegoat, some shit head journalist tried to draw some correlation between TAS and the motives of the shooter in a tweet below:
Again even up to this point, there’s no motive behind the shooting and there may never be given the shooter is dead. So instead of look to what could be proven or backed up with fact,Massachusetts or whoever the fuck this guy is, wants to point fingers towards a metalcore band that had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting.
And since we live in a day and age when it’s
TAS also addressed the situation at their show the other night.
Anyways, whether it’s video games or music there’s always some dipshit in politics or asshole in the media looking to find a scapegoat in the wake of a tragedy. You’d think we’ve moved past low hanging shit like this but we obviously haven’t.