Two gems were posted on Twitter last night both during and after the Super Bowl.
First, America learned that President Donald Trump has zero idea that Kansas City isn’t actually in Kansas, it’s in Missouri.
At this point, it’s not hard to distinguish the tweets made by No. 45 himself and his handlers. I mean I can only imagine Mike Pompeo running in with a well-labeled map pointing out the error. If that’s even the case. I can totally see Kellyanne Conway or Dan Scavino agreeing that Kansas City is in Kansas and not Missouri.
Then Liberty Hangout, the self-proclaimed anarcho-capitalist promoter of “peace, prosperity, and property rights” decided to weigh in on the halftime show by tweeting out this verbal dump of racism and utter ass-clownery.
Part of me wants to believe this is some kind of troll job then have to remind myself that Liberty Hangout was established by Kaitlin Bennett who if she isn’t shitting her pants is toting her white privilege by carrying around some AR-15.