I wanted to get a post up about the Oscars tonight which is undoubtedly the biggest night in Hollywood. However there was one problem, I couldn’t give two shits about what happens tonight in terms of who wins best picture nor have I’ve seen any of these movies being nominated. Not to mention when it came to these types of predictions, I’d likely go with the movie I’d most likely refrain from seeing since it seems like Oscar nominations were made with a finely constructed blueprint that would put that respective movie automatically in the running.
For instance casting Daniel Day Lewis is like having LeBron James on your team in the NBA. If you have Lewis you probably have a good shot at getting some Oscar nomination for your movie.
Likewise it’s my assumption that Meryl Streep will do something very similar.
Anyways, it seems like this year there’s not reason to guess when it comes to your Oscar pools since Harvard math grad and Hollywood Reporter writer Ben Zauzmer has you covered. Instead of making assumptions, insert a little math and make your guesses more education.
You can thank me later…