Beto O'Rourke

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you one uninspiring former presidential candidate endorsing a current uninspired presidential candidate.

Tonight, corporate democrats continue to try and consolidate their power as former Texas congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke endorsed Joe Biden essentially saying the former Vice President was the only guy capable of beating Donald Trump.

O’Rourke’s endorsement comes after both Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar abandoned their campaigns in an effort to keep the corporate democratic establishment intact. Additionally, that also comes in an attempt to combat against Bernie Sanders and his message of uplifting the poor and working class.

With messages in mind though, what exactly is Joe Biden’s?

O’Rourke was speaking of a candidate that could “beat Donald Trump” in November. Now there’s nothing to say that Bernie Sanders can’t be Donald Trump. In fact, in most polls, the Vermont Senator does just that, with a firm message to inspire. The only thing corporate Democrats seem to be rallying around is beating Trump, which yeah is fine and all, but what comes beyond that? What message do corporate Democrats have that signals a meaningful change in the lives of the poor and working-class because from what I can see, it’s only about beating Trump and what can’t be done for the American people.