Unlike the El Paso shooter, not much has come out about Connor Betts, the 24-year-old suspect in the Dayton mass shootings who was killed by police early Sunday.
What has come out though was the kid seemed extremely disturbed, especially given the accounts of former classmates which included Betts keeping a “kill list” in high school for guys and a “rape list” for the girls.
What also has been learned about Betts according to Buzz Feed News was he was the lead singer of a pornogrind band called “Menstrual Munchies” who were apparently regulars in the midwest death metal scene.
The gunman, identified as 24-
Since the shootings, the band’s Facebook page which had roughly 1700 likes was taken down. The same could be said for the bands YouTube page which was also taken down.
Meanwhile, the antifascist death metal band Neckbeard Deathcamp took to Twitter to address some of the rumors addressed in the Buzz Feed article and generally what was being said on social media.