At what lengths will Donald Trump go with his tweets in both rhetoric and direct action? Especially after posting something like this…
The presumption is Trump is talking about Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez out of New York, Rep. Rashida Tlaib out of Michigan, Rep. Ayanna Pressley out of Massachusetts, and Rep. Ilhan Omar out of Minnesota. All of the aforementioned are women of color and all of whom have been amongst the most vocal in Congress when it comes to opposing the Trump agenda. It also may be important to note that of those four Congresswomen, only Ilhan Omar was born in another country, but like her other three Congressional colleagues, she is a U.S. citizen and was elected by her constituent.
Aside from that, Trump continues to use the same dog whistles and tropes that racists and bigots have used for the longest time, “If you don’t like it then go back to the country you came from”.
The President of the United States however still doesn’t seem to realize — or maybe he doesn’t want to realize — that the United States isn’t made up of just white men and women. AOC, Tlaib, Pressley, and Omar continue to offer a beacon of light in a western liberal democracy that is chock-full of do nothing corporate neo-liberals like Nancy Pelosi.