Donald Trump
Photo: CNN

Last week, Donald Trump called Dr. Christine Blasey Ford‘s testimony about alleged sexual misconduct against her by judge Brett Kavanaugh ‘credible’ and ‘compelling’. Tonight, the POTUS is singing a much different tune in front of his base Mississippi choosing to mock Dr. Ford while continuing to defend his SCOTUS nominee in Kavanaugh.

Via NBC News:

“I had one beer!” Trump said, characterizing Ford’s testimony about her level of intoxication when she says she was attacked at a small get-together in Montgomery County, Md., in the early 1980s.

“How did you get home?” he said, taking on the role of prosecutor.

“I don’t remember,” he said in his Ford voice, which was deeper.

“How did you get there?” he said, reverting to interrogator.

“I don’t remember,” he replied to himself in the Ford voice.

Trump then asked and answered a series of questions with the responses “I don’t remember” and “I don’t know.”

“A man’s life is shattered,” he said of Kavanaugh after making fun of Ford’s testimony. “These are really evil people.”

If you’re ever wondering why it takes some women years and in cases decades to come forward about sexual assault committed against them, well here’s a prime example as to why that’s probably the case. Even if they do come forward, especially against men in high positions of power they can expect death threats, harassment and in this case ridicule no matter how credible or compelling they may seem.

And if you think Trump has some great insight on Kavanaugh that may tip the balance of believability from Ford to the SCOTUS nominee himself, well just take a look at Jeff Zeleny’s tweet below.