This week, Elon Musk unveiled what he’s called a Neurolink which is a brain-computer interface that is supposed to let humans control computers with their brains as opposed to pressing some buttons on a screen or keyboard.
Wall Street Journal and Axios:
Elon Musk’s Neuralink, which is “developing a next-generation brain-computer interface, unveiled what [it] billed as a significant advance toward a therapeutic device,” writes the Wall Street Journal
According to the unveiling, the device which again is being branded as a ‘therapeutic device’ is being designed to “connect human brains and machines with more precision than other available devices.” The device was also already tested on monkeys to which according to Musk the primates were apparently able to test a computer with their brain.
The initial hope for this device is to help individuals who suffer from “neurological conditions like movement disorders, spinal-cord injury and blindness.” according to Musk.
However, on that note, the presumption is it won’t stop with just that.
Now I have zero issues when it comes to technological progress and automation to make everyone’s lives easier. I’m going to get very skeptical though when you’re trying to directly connect the brain with a computer. I mean everything from an iPhone to a supercomputer can be hacked in today’s day and age. How long would it be before some hacker can hack into someone’s brain? No to mention I’m sure the government and large corporations will be lining up in droves to purchase this type of technology.