Sounds like a tabloid headline doesn’t it? Well that’s because it comes from the depths of American Media, the parent company of the National Enquirer who may be ready to spill the beans on a shitload of Trump stories it has locked away in its vaults.
And this latest is pretty intriguing.
In a CNN exclusive, a former Trump World Tower doorman Dino Sajudin says he was released from an AMI contract he signed which prevented him from talking about the knowledge he had regarding an illegitimate child Donald Trump fathered with his former house keeper.
The contract appears to have been signed on Nov. 15, 2015, and states that AMI has exclusive rights to Sajudin’s story but does not mention the details of the story itself beyond saying, “Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump’s illegitimate child…”
The contract states that “AMI will not owe Source any compensation if AMI does not publish the Exclusive…” and the top of the agreement shows that Sajudin could receive a sum of $30,000 “payable upon publication as set forth below.”
But the third page of the agreement shows that about a month later, the parties signed an amendment that states that Sajudin would be paid $30,000 within five days of receiving the amendment. It says the “exclusivity period” laid out in the agreement “is extended in perpetuity and shall not expire.”
The amendment also establishes a $1 million payment that Sajudin would be responsible for making to AMI “in the event Source breaches this provision.”
It is believed that up until now, Sajudin has been unable to tell his story due to contract he signed with AMI to keep quiet regarding the story he had to tell. Essentially this was the same catch-and-kill agreement that Karen McDougal signed to keeper her quiet regarding the affair she had with Trump. According to CNN they tried to contact AMI and clarify if Sajudin was in fact released from his agreement but they had yet to receive a response.

In April, Sajudin told CNN the following:
“Today I awoke to learn that a confidential agreement that I had with AMI (The National Enquirer) with regard to a story about President Trump was leaked to the press. I can confirm that while working at Trump World Tower I was instructed not to criticize President Trump’s former housekeeper due to a prior relationship she had with President Trump, which produced a child.”
It’s assumed that more information from AMI will begin to trickle out to the public given the company’s top executive David Pecker has been granted immunity by federal prosecutors in connection with the Michael Cohen probe. Cohen who has served as Donald Trump’s personal attorney for many years recently pleaded guilty to bank and tax fraud as well as campaign finance violations. Those violations conducted by Cohen were directed by Trump himself according to Cohen during his arraignment last week.
Click to access sajudin.ami_.pdf