🔊 X Cast 100: Avengers, Positive Endgame?
The X Cast is hosted by Josh Houslander and Adam Hernandez. We air LIVE every Tuesday at 9 PM ET.
In this edition of the...
Holy Shit… Emperor Palpatine is probably going to be in the new Star Wars
Friday, a new teaser trailer dropped for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which featured a possible return of a hugely prominent main character...
The biggest questions surrounding the Ghostbusters teaser trailer
Almost 24-hours ago nerds rejoiced as a teaser trailer dropped for a "secret" Ghostbusters movie that's been in the works by director Jason Reitman,...
Mario Kart was featured on the Kauffman Stadium scoreboard
If you were driving around Kauffman Stadium Tuesday or flying your helicopter in Kansas City you may have noticed the large scoreboard featuring a...