Perhaps nothing is more ominous to the American public than a government warning of “a serious national security threat”. Or at least that’s how the government wants these warnings to be perceived. Typically, there’s more behind it that on the surface has nothing to do with “a serious national security threat”.
Take for instance the “serious national security threat” that was issued this week by House Intelligence Chair Mike Turner.
What’s interesting is Tuner is treating this like some cliffhanger at the end of a movie or TV show offering nothing when it comes to the specifics of this so-called threat. Ken Klippenstein made mention of all of this in his latest newsletter while highlighting Tuner being a vocal supporter of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s (FISA) Section 702.
The statement, issued by House Intelligence Chair Rep. Mike Turner, offered no specifics. Turner has been a vocal supporter for the reauthorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s (FISA) Section 702, which allows the U.S. intelligence community to target foreigners for electronic surveillance without any evidence of probable cause and overseen by a secret court. By my count, Turner has tweeted out support for 702 at least a dozen times in the past year alone.
I wonder if that has anything to do with his decision to apprise us of this ominous threat!
Could this all be a ruse for Turner’s agendas?
Klippenstein goes on to mention an article posted by CNN Wednesday afternoon reporting on Turner’s ominous and secretive Twitter post while adding further context to it. That context revolves around shit the American public has become very used to, in this case, “very sensitive” threats from Russia, space, and “a destabilizing foreign military capability.” Seriously, what could be more effective than highlighting potential threats from space or continuing to sell the American public on more bloated military budgets? Ukraine and Israel have been using the United States as their own personal ATM for quite some time now. However, that doesn’t come without at least some minimal effort by the U.S. government to further convince the American public (or at least try to) that their tax dollars must continue to fund genocide in Gaza while cleaning up NATO rhetoric in Ukraine.
The funny thing about all of this is the “very sensitive” information may have already been disclosed to the public.
Klippenstein points to reporting by his colleague at The Intercept Daniel Boguslaw who tweeted just this afternoon a New York Times article that discusses how “Russia had used a new type of hypersonic cruise missile for the first time” last week.
In all likelihood, that’s your “serious” national security threat given it fits the parameters of what was mentioned in that CNN article. Threats from Russia… check, space… check, a destabilizing foreign military capability… check.
But hey, whatever Mike Turner needs to do to keep pushing 702 and whatever the government can do to keep that military budget bloated as fuck.