For the past few years, liberals had fallen in love with George Conway, the conservative lawyer and one of the founders of the Lincoln Project mainly because of the shots he took at Donald Trump despite his wife Kellyanne Conway serving as one of the President’s most loyal sycophants.
I mean you could only imagine the made for reality television atmosphere within the Conway household, especially after their daughter Claudia started to weigh in on matters.
And it was all fun for a while, that is until democrats and liberals alike started to welcome with open arms the neoconservative ghouls like Conway himself that ultimately make up The Lincoln Project. All because they make flashy take-down videos of the Trump administration.
Again, that’s fine. I have no problem with that takedown videos but when the Democratic National Convention looked more like the 2008 GOP convention with John Kasich and Colin Powell landing themselves prominent speaking spots over the likes of say, AOC and Ilhan Omar then you have a major problem…
And liberals continued to be fine with this, because what’s the fun of consolidating the left when you can make an attempt to garner six percent of never Trumpers like George Conway and the rest of the Lincoln Project?
Offhand let’s just say there’s a reason why most Republicans like Donald Trump.
That reason? Because Trump will stick to his word when it comes to stacking the Supreme Court with justices who’ll more than likely strip away the rights of people even if some of those rights have no bearing whatsoever on the rest of society.
Case in point, the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett who will replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, make no mistake about that.
And when it comes to justices who’ll strip women of their reproductive rights, as Coney Barrett will probably do if Roe vs. Wade is all of a sudden on the table once again, that’s something that can consolidate the support of conservative reactionaries like George Conway…
The strategy of the neocons that make up the Lincoln Project shouldn’t be hard to understand. They like the vast majority of progressives in the United States are without a political party to call home. But unlike progressives, center-right neocons like those at the Lincoln Project probably believe it’s easier to push the DNC right than the current GOP back a little closer to center, and it appears as if they’re absolutely right.