Is the above video proof that the human race has had actual contact with aliens?
The video itself seems to depict old Soviet KGB footage of ‘Skinny Bob’ which was uploaded in 2011 by anonymous YouTube user ‘ivan1035’. The aliens depicted were identified as being part of the Emerther race which according to alien conspiracy theorists have previously met with leaders of the United States and the former USSR. They are also believed to come from a large planet with two stars and three moons.
As far as some of the specifics of the race goes, Emerther’s are asexual individuals and have no genitals. They are shorter than the average full-grown human standing about one meter tall with large disproportionate heads, rounded shoulders and long skinny bodies to go along with their long skinny limbs. It looks as though they have three to four fingers on each hand, large eyes with a black lens, small mouths, and knees that do not equally separate the femur from the tibia.
Temprament-wise, Emerther aliens are believed to be spiritual, calm and advanced with vast knowledge and and a pleasant personality.
Anyways, despite being originally uploaded in 2011 the video itself should have a new meaning to alien skeptics and conspiracy theorists alike given the confirmation in recent weeks by the United States Navy that recent unclassified videos of UFOs are real.
Obviously that doesn’t mean these videos are real however there should be a new perspective given to them.
When it comes to the reel itself it spans from ’42 to ’69 which would explain the color in the last scene.