According to Five Thirty-Eight, a big part of Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday surge was his ability to net the late deciding voter.
Based on preliminary exit poll data from 10 Super Tuesday states,1 Biden won at least 40 percent of the late-deciding vote in every state except for Sanders’s home state of Vermont. In six states, Biden performed at least 16 percentage points better among late deciders than early deciders. Conversely, Sanders did far worse among late deciders, harming his chances of winning some states.
Geoffrey Skelly of Five Thirty-Eight even included this nice little graph to illustrate the numbers.

So with that, it would seem the former Vice President was the biggest beneficiary to the Mayo Pete and Amy Klobuchar dropouts just prior to Super Tuesday. I mean there can’t be anything nefarious about that right? Not a good old fashion primary where the voters clearly made their choice.
Interestingly enough, just after announcing his decision to drop out of the race, Buttigieg had a call with former President Obama which according to reports, wasn’t made to dictate who Buttigieg should endorse after his exit from the campaign trail. Although The New York Times reported Monday that Obama did stress the “leverage” the former South Bend Mayor had at this point.
I’m sure many are going to take NYT story at face value and not question anything further. Like did the phone call with Obama actually take place after Buttigieg decided to drop out or was it before? Was Obama the only one on that phone call or can we not look past the Obama connection to DNC chair Tom Perez? Or can the DNC be trusted in any sense of the matter considering the shit they pulled in 2016?
I mean, can people be completely naive to think that Buttigieg — after his delegate win in Iowa — and Klobuchar who talked up the midwest during the entirety of her campaign are going to just call it quits 48 hours prior to Super Tuesday? That’s not typically how this works unless there’s an underlying colluded effort and behind the scenes conspiracy taking place. So forgive me for not buying the mainstream narrative that after all these months of campaigning Buttigieg and Klobuchar were just going to throw in the towel right before arguably the biggest primary day of the 2020 cycle.
Then there’s this…