Fox News grifter Laura Ingraham had an “anonymous” Pennsylvania poll worker on her show the other day who claims to have witnessed fraud within their state that favored Joe Biden over Donald Trump.
Obviously, Ingraham could’ve paraded anyone up on her show to continue to spread election fraud nonsense, which is exactly what all of this is, nonsense considering everything the Trump Campaign has tried to throw at the wall hasn’t stuck inside the courtroom. What’s particularly interesting about this video though the sound of this “anonymous” witness. Not the tone, but how they use their words and specifically how they talk. The way they trail on with thoughts inside their sentences sounds suspiciously like Donald Trump.
But come on now, it’s not like Donald Trump would essentially call or appear on a show pretending to be someone else to support his own nonsensical narrative. Only he has done this before…
Then there’s Brent Terhune with this take, which is internet gold once again.