Oligarch Mike Bloomberg is dropping out of the race to become the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.
This comes after the billionaire who sunk in upwards of around 500 million dollars — pocket change mind you to a guy worth over $60 billion — had a disappointing showing on Super Tuesday nonetheless winning only the American Samoa primary.
Not only that though the former New York City mayor will endorse Joe Biden.
First off, a couple of things.
Bloomberg was never really a serious candidate. Yeah, a billionaire sunk a shit ton of money into a campaign but like previously mentioned, $500 million is nothing to a guy who probably wipes his ass with $100 bills.
Second, Bloomberg’s entry into the race was an insurance policy for himself and the ruling class in this country in an effort to stop Bernie Sanders. Tax cuts for the wealthy would remain in place with a Bloomberg win or loss to Trump in the general either way the Oligarch wins.
Third, what are democrats like Bloomberg, Biden, Buttigieg, and O’Rourke fighting for again? Is it just to stop Trump? What a “winning” platform they’re setting up for themselves.
The more nefarious aspect to all this, however, can be summarized in Shaun King’s tweets below:
Like King mentions, if these were, in fact, DNC officials making the calls and putting pressure on Bloomberg to drop out and support Biden then yes, that is the literal definition of “interference”. How fucking ironic too, the day after this comes out, Bloomberg is out of the race? Seriously, less than 24 hours after as they’re still tallying votes from Super Tuesday.
The fix is in, and the DNC isn’t even trying to hide it anymore.