Parler was officially taken off-line early Monday morning after Amazon and their AWS cloud hosting service notified the social media platform popular with the far-right that they would no longer host them.
This was in response to the fascist riots that took place last Wednesday that resulted in five people being killed after far-right chuds “stormed the U.S. Capitol”, an effort that in part was organized on Parler.
Now the original thought was Parlor was going to be offline for a week or so until they were able to hook up with a new service provider and shit would be back online soon.
That, however, doesn’t seem to be the case.
Parler CEO John Matze told Fox News Sunday that his company could in fact be out of business for good after “every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day.”
“They all work together to make sure at the same time we would lose access to not only our apps, but they’re actually shutting all of our servers off tonight, off the internet,” Matze said. “They made an attempt to not only kill the app, but to actually destroy the entire company. And it’s not just these three companies. Every vendor from text message services to email providers to our lawyers all ditched us too on the same day.”
Matze further added:
“We’re going to try our best to get back online as quickly as possible. But we’re having a lot of trouble because every vendor we talk to says they won’t work with us. Because if Apple doesn’t approve and Google doesn’t approve, they won’t.”
Parler could eventually go the route that Gab went — another far-right social media haven after they were essentially blacklisted by web providers. That solution was to set up their own services and payment processors which is certainly plausible for Parler, however, Gab is still stricken with connection issues and downtime with their own hosting, especially after an onslaught of users descended on the platform after Parler was taken down. Like Gab, there would certainly be questions as to whether Parler would be able to handle an influx of users on their own servers without them crashing.