R. Kelly is one of those types of people who continue to dig holes for themselves and continue to stand in their own way. Seriously, given the accusations against the R&B singer a normal person in that situation would stay clear of raising any further question by simply shutting the fuck up about whatever you’re being accused of.
In R. Kelly’s case it’s been a multitude of accusations that have culminated in him for the most part of being a world class, sociopathic pervert. So it makes sense that a 19-minute song would be needed if he’s looking to address all of those allegations, which is exactly what “I Admit” does.
Via Pitchfork:
R. Kelly has shared “I Admit,” a 19-minute new song that addresses allegations of abusing women, holding women in a sex “cult,” and more. Throughout the song, Kelly repeatedly denies all allegations. “I’ve never said I was perfect,” he sings. “Say I’m abusing these women/What the fuck, that’s some absurd shit/They brainwashed?/Really?/Kidnapped?/Really?/Can’t eat?/Really?/Real talk, that shit sound silly.” According to BuzzFeed News’ July 2017 report on Kelly’s alleged “cult,” Kelly maintained control over “every aspect of [several women’s] lives: dictating what they eat, how they dress, when they bathe, when they sleep, and how they engage in sexual encounters that he records.”
On “I Admit,” R. Kelly asks, “What’s the definition of a cult?/What’s the definition of a sex slave?/Go to the dictionary, look it up/Let me know I’ll be here waiting.” Earlier this year, in a BBC3 documentary, Kitti Jones, who has spoken out against Kelly several times, claimed that Kelly personally told her that he “trained” a 14-year-old girl to be his sex “pet.”
Obviously it doesn’t end there though.
Here’s R. Kelly on having sex with underage girls:
“Admit I fuck with all the ladies/That’s both older and young ladies/But tell me how they call that pedophile because of that shit/That’s crazy.”
On the previous support from Aaliyah and Wendy Williams:
Now Wendy Williams mad with me
But I ain’t never offered her no drink
But I’ll admit that she asked me,
“Can I get a little Hennessey?”
Then we both turned off our phones
We drinked, I smoked, we talked
And I admit that I told it all
From my good points to my faults
She said, “What about Aaliyah?”
I said, “Love”
She said, “What about the tape?”
I said, “Hush”
I said, “My lawyer said, ‘Don’t say noth’’
“But I can tell you I’ve been set up”
Jessica Goldstein though definitely makes the most sense out of all this R. Kelly nonsense.