Welcome to America, a land that is supposedly full of promise, opportunity and the perfect example of do-nothing, top-down leadership.
Over this past weekend, the United States saw another set of mass shootings first in El Paso, Texas after a gunman, hell-bent on carrying out his racist ideologies in bloodshed killed 22 people at a shopping center.
Hours later, a gunman in Dayton, Ohio killed nine people, including his own sister in an act that investigators are still trying to discover a motive for.
In the wake of those two massacres, politicians, democrats, republicans, liberals, conservatives and so on took to social media, to pass blame, point the finger and continue to debate how shit like this continues to happen in a Country that’s boasted itself as the greatest in the World. Typically from the right, they’ll usually go on about mental health as being the primary issue in an effort to get around having to come face-to-face with the gun debate. On the other side of the spectrum, liberals will go on about needing more ‘common-sense gun laws’ in an effort to combat the ever-growing issue of gun violence in the United States that in many ways has made society numb to it. Meanwhile, given the sick legitimacy, the White House has gifted white supremacy, violence attributed to right-wing extremists had a hand in every single extremist killing in 2018 according to the ADL. That meant that right-wing extremism was in some way responsible for the 50 deaths associated last year.
And it doesn’t seem to be getting better.
💵 Racism, Guns, Mental Health, and Capitalism
Racism, guns and mental health are all systematic problems of the United States that the top-down leadership seems to think can only be addressed one at a time. Not to mention the deaths of innocent people in this Country have become nothing but partisan issues and talking points that can be brought up and used against your political opponents when campaign season rolls around.
When it comes to guns, nothing notable will be done because of the stranglehold the NRA has on GOP politicians. In a 2018 article put out by Business Insider, of the top 85 members of Congress with the most career NRA contributions, 82 are Republicans, according to a database from the Center for Responsive Politics. Furthermore,he NRA has spent $1.6 million in lobbying against expanding background checks in the months leading up to the massacres in El Paso and Dayton according to a recently released article from CNBC.
And I’m sure I’ll hear from right-wingers that I’m just some asshole leftist who wants to take people’s guns away which couldn’t be further from the truth. Being able to own guns in a way is essential to a free society. However, the gun lobby headed by the NRA has shown zero remorse when it comes to guns being used to carry out racist atrocities and massacres in this Country. Especially when those atrocities are carried out against minorities. They’ve also shown zero intention to try and find a solution to those problems or work with communities to help train in self defense and safety.
Bottom line, as long as there’s a gun lobby in the United States like the NRA that is buying and selling politicians on Capitol Hill there will be zero resolution when it comes to addressing the gun problem in this Country.
But as much as democrats may want to simply brand this as being a gun problem, it’s not. Yeah mental health does play into all of this but for as much as republicans are do-nothing when it comes to guns, the democrats are almost equally as bad when it comes to health care as it relates to mental health care.
And finally, when it comes to racism and white supremacy, we’ve unfortunately entered a time once again where it has become legitimized by the guy who occupies the White House. I’m sorry but when you have a shooter who writes a manifesto that outlines his sick, racist intentions to kill Hispanics while repeating many of the same talking points used by the POTUS, that’s a big fucking problem.
It also may not be a problem that goes away anytime soon. Not when there’s overwhelming support for Donald Trump among the Republican Party, a party that probably has been forever changed by Trump’s racially charged rhetoric. For instance, when Trump is out of office, how many republicans around the country will still run on some of his same racist and divisive platforms in an effort to hold onto power?
Dollars to donuts it’ll be a good number of them.
I mean look at how Lindsay Graham — who was once of Trump’s biggest GOP critics — became of Trump’s biggest GOP bitches well within the POTUS’ first term in office? The same could be said for a guy like Ted Cruz — whose wife was personally insulted by Candidate Trump during the 2016 republican primaries. Now, Ted Cruz will gladly carry Trump’s jock around Washington.
Now how does this all tie into capitalism?
As far as racism and white supremacy goes. I’m not going to go ahead and claim that if you’re a capitalist then you’re a racist. That’s just an absurd. However, racism and white supremacy can certainly flourish in a capitalist society which we’re witnessing all too well right now. In this sense, Donald Trump has had no hesitation to use racially charged rhetoric as red meat for his base who he hopes will, in turn, help him maintain power. The power that’ll help him shape and mold a capitalist society to his liking while continuing to maintain unjustified hierarchies between the wealthy and working class.
Call me a idealist. Call me a commie. I really don’t know because what we have going right now in this Country, it isn’t working. People will continue to die and the powers that be will introduce do nothing legislation that’ll will get no movement in Congress before it’s ultimately forgotten about until the next mass tragedy happens.
If it isn’t making anyone money in the United States or is a detriment to their grasp on power it isn’t going to happen. Plain and simple.
If you’re looking to support a gun organization that truly has society’s best interest in mind, check out the Socialist Rifle Association (SRA), Red Neck Revolt, and/or the John Brown Gun Club.