Being a complete and total racist shithead is a given for Trump supporters at this point so it should come at no surprise that a Trump chud would be screaming “Black Lives don’t Matter” at protesters.
But deliberately coughing on people during a deadly global pandemic to own the libs further sets you apart as not just a fucking racist, but a homicidal scumbag considering COVID-19 has killed over 215,000-plus in the United States alone.
And that’s exactly what happened here this past week at a gas station in Kanab, Utah when a Trump supporter apparently took exception to some protesters demonstrating for Black Lives. During the exchange, the guy who was reportedly identified as Robert Brissette, approached the protesters, getting in their faces screaming “Black Lives don’t Matter” before then coughing in their faces while downplaying the coronavirus.

Brissette though is unsurprisingly playing the victim claiming the protesters were assaulting him first with verbal attacks and rocks being thrown at him.