One thing I don’t want to do is give Rose McGowan too much credit here since I’m not some virtuoso on the entirety of her politics and it just seems to be the best practice when discussing political Hollywood.
But damn, Rose McGowan is a breath of fresh air as the elite liberals in Hollywood were waxing poetic about the same old tired platitudes uttered at the Democratic National Convention this past week.
She’s spot on with the tweet. In 2016 Hillary Clinton and the godawful fucking campaign they ran completely took advantage of the working class and depended on the support of the “Blue Wall” to catapult her into the White House. And as McGowan points out, that kind of arrogance helped lead to a neofascist in Donald Trump ascending to the Oval Office.
You can’t help though but also appreciate McGowan completely tearing into the DNC’s decades worth of neoliberal policy that probably played the biggest role in Trump’s election.
And it’s absolutely true. Fundamentally speaking, what have Democrats done to help the poor? They certainly haven’t been on board with Medicare for all and instead have opted for a predatory, corporate system in the ACA which Biden will continue to push if and when he’s elected president.
What have they done to help black and brown people as well as take honest steps in ending police brutality? Last time I checked, Black Lives Matter started under the Obama administration who also brutalized protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline.
And not to completely shit on Democrats, but everyone knows that the GOP fucking hates anyone not inside a womb and even their support for “life” is complete bullshit in and of itself. It’s Democrats though who’ll put on some facade that they actually care about working people, single mothers, the poor, and minorities. Yet the care and compassion for disenfranchised groups of people from the DNC are exhibited in the form of murals, meaningless symbolism, and good for nothing representational politics.
Real fundamental change is a threat to the corporate hacks are make up the Democratic establishment.
I love this last tweet since it continues to subtweet some of the more annoying elite liberals on Twitter like Alyssa Milano and the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” cult. We’re going to continue to hear how “this election is too important to vote third party!” in 2024 and again in 2028. It’s something that the duopoly loves to hear too since neither party is truly an inherent threat to each other and their grasp on power. Democrats are perfectly fine with a slightly less power grab in some four-year blocks since they know they’ll get it back eventually in the next election cycle. Likewise the same can be said for Republicans. You vote for Howie Hawkins and the Green Party, nominate a self-described democratic socialist in Bernie Sanders, or let AOC speak for more than 60 seconds then we have a problem.
Why? Because they speak to the working class and offer up real solutions to their problems. Not endless platitudes and endless talk about how bad Trump is.