Ross Perot, the voodoo stick-wielding Texas billionaire, and former independent Presidential candidate passed away at the age of 89 his family confirms.
Via the Dallas Morning News:
Ross Perot, self-made billionaire, renowned patriot and two-time independent candidate for U.S. president, has died after a five-month battle with leukemia.
He was 89.
The pioneer of the computer services industry, who founded Electronic Data Systems Corp. in 1962 and Perot Systems Corp. 26 years later, was just 5-foot-6, but his presence filled a room.
Probably the most successful third-party candidate to ever run for President of the United States, Perot’s presence in the 92 elections was a huge contributing factor to George H.W. Bush not getting a second term and Bill Clinton ascending to the White House. Although he didn’t win any states in the election, Perot secured 18.9 percent of the vote which was all the difference between Clinton’s 43 percent and Bush’s 37.4 percent.