It’s time to consolidate that “can’t do” attitude when it comes to moderate democrats!
In the wake of billionaire Tom Steyer and “Mayo” Pete Buttigieg calling it quits, queen of the single joke and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar has decided it’s time to call it quits and consolidate that support for moderate corporate dems. With that in mind, she’ll unsurprisingly endorse Joe Biden as the DNC collectively loses their shit (assumingly) over the thought of Bernie Sanders putting any kind of dent in their support for the ruling class.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar will drop out of the 2020 Democratic presidential race on Monday and endorse former Vice President Joe Biden.
The Minnesota senator will join her soon-to-be former rival at a rally in Dallas and support his bid for the nomination, a campaign spokesman confirmed. Klobuchar will leave the race a day before her state holds its presidential primary. Minnesota will award 75 national pledged delegates.
Meanwhile, Buttigieig is reportedly “mulling” a Biden endorsement but did have a phone call with the former Vice President just prior to him ending his campaign. Again, you can only make the assumption that the phone call there were promises perhaps of a cabinet position in a potential Biden administration? Or maybe it was orchestrated by the DNC under the condition that you get out now so we can consolidate that power for Biden and in return, we’ll give you unlimited support in a run for congress.
As far as Bloomberg goes, he was always in it for Super Tuesday so we’ll see how he does tomorrow. In any sense though, the only reason why he’s running is more than likely to protect his billions in assets. A Biden administration continues to protect the ruling class. A Trump administration continues to protect the ruling class. So the only loss for the Oligarch would be if Bernie were to win the White House.
And, when it comes to Elizabeth Warren… She may as well endorse Biden too because at this point she’s gone mainstream corporate dem herself.