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So, who/what is Jimmy Dore really defending here?

On the latest episode of the Jimmy Dore Show, Dore went into one of his diatribes against the Intercept over what he perceives as some attack on personal liberties from the state, which is fine, there’s certainly nothing wrong with putting the state under a microscope and holding them accountable.

However, this particular clip was interesting for a couple of reasons, and further highlights some suspicions when it comes to Dore and any ulterior motives the guy may have.

First I’ll preface by saying that Dore has made light of some good ideas. For instance, from an electoral standpoint the force the vote strategy wasn’t bad. You could certainly see its merits if you’re going to continue to hang your hat on electoral politics, which is fine if you’re a leftist but I digress.

But then Dore either becomes lazy or possibly his true aspirations begin to show.

Take for instance that Boogaloo Boy interview where Dore threw the most softball of softball questions at the Boog while providing zero pushback. Meanwhile, Dore’s fans at it up and seemingly began to push the notion that the left needs to work with the working class far-right to accomplish anything — something dangerous in and of itself when you consider the tactics of the “new right” to infiltrate the left with what would appear to be parallel ideas. Likewise, supporters of this would continue to push some ridiculous narrative that all of this work with the far-right working class is reminiscent of what Fred Hampton did with the Rainbow Coalition and the Young Patriots which couldn’t be further from the truth. In actuality, the Young Patriots were a left-wing group who held firm on leftist ideals including that of being against capitalism.

This brings me to this latest clip where Dore seems to offer up cover for white supremacists after the Intercept attained personal information on Gab users which they apparently will sort through to identify potential far-right extremists. Dore goes on to assume that whatever they dig up is something they’ll pass along to the FBI something that isn’t stated in the write-up that Dore shares.

Dore, however, makes this nonsensical statement pretty much eluding to the Intercept doing nothing but drumming up fear of the far-right and white supremacists — a fear he seems to think is now nonexistent because Donald Trump is no longer in office. This of course white supremacists and the far-right still being the biggest threat to the United States when it comes to domestic terrorism. Not to mention it was Trump supporters who engaged in the far-right riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Then there’s the irony of Dore, a rich, white man conveying this message to not just white leftists, but BIPOC leftists that white supremacy is no longer a threat to them, again because Donald Trump is no longer in office.

It doesn’t end there though.

Dore then goes on to talk about the Intercept taking aim at these “powerless” Gab users instead of taking aim at the “powerful” pressing some asinine notion that white supremacists aren’t part of the ruling class in this country. Again, this despite the United States being founded on white supremacism and the systemic racism that still exists to this day. I guess Jimmy Dore was completely absent last summer when that same systemic racism was put on full display as Breonna Taylor was murdered while she slept or the world witnessing the Minneapolis Police Department assassinate George Floyd on video.

So again I ask what is Jimmy Dore really defending here? Is this simply another instance where Dore fails to prepare and instead passes along some lame surface-level thinking to his audience or are we witnessing who Jimmy Dore actually is when it comes to ideology?

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