The suspect and a Capitol police offer are dead after a car reportedly smashed into a barrier outside the north entrance of the U.S. Capitol Friday.
According to reports, after ramming the security barrier, the suspect exited the vehicle and lunged at police with a knife stabbing one before being shot.
The death of the suspect and officer was announced by Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman during a press conference.
The dead officer has been identified as William “Billy” Evans as Capitol PD received a text alert warning them there would be no entry or exit permitted and to stay away from exterior doors and windows.
Reporters at the scene posted video of the unfolding situation that showed helicopters landing on the Capitol grounds as well as heightened police and national guard presence.
Fencing around the Capitol was removed last week after the neo-fascist riots that took place there back on January 6. The House and Senate were also out of session today due to the holiday while President Biden was out of D.C. at Camp David.