Once again, the United States government has proven they don’t give a flying fuck about struggling Americans.
Friday, the Senate voted to override Donald Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2021 that will essentially provide the Pentagon with even more monetary handouts ($740 billion to be exact) to purchase more weapons of war and further fund Space Force (among other nonsense) while American’s struggling during an ongoing global pandemic is left with the scraps of a $600 “stimulus” check.
The Senate voted to override President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, the must-pass annual defense policy bill, in the final challenge for congressional Republicans to oppose Mr. Trump in the waning days of his presidency.
The final vote tally was 81 to 13, with a two-thirds vote required to overturn the veto. Earlier, the Senate voted to limit debate on the president’s veto on Friday with a vote of 80 to 12. Sixty votes were needed to limit debate. The bill had previously passed in the Senate with a “veto proof” majority of 84-13 earlier this month, and the House has already voted to override Mr. Trump’s veto.
CBS News
Of course, Democrats completely caved when it came to wielding any leverage they had over majority leader Mitch McConnell and their efforts to hold up the NDAA for a floor vote on the CASH Act which would have provided $2,000 checks to American’s trying to simply survive during the coronavirus pandemic.
A total of 41 total democratic senators including minority leader Mitch McConnell and vice president-elect Kamala Harris abandoned the efforts led by Bernie Sanders to hold up the NDAA and instead voted in favor of a motion by McConnell to hold a vote on the defense bill without a vote on the $2,000 checks.
You can view the full roll call here.
In the end, only senators Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) joined Sanders in voting no on the NDAA while six Republicans also voted down on the legislation.
Donald Trump doesn’t give a shit about you either
Donald Trump — who has now suffered his first override in the waning days of his presidency, should be confused with giving a shit about the American people either for his veto of another bloated military spending bill. Sure, Trump demanded $2,000 checks for Americans which was great, but lets not confuse Trump’s actual intentions for originally vetoing this bill back on December 23.
Trump’s intentions for vetoing the bill was because lawmakers did not include a repeal of liability protections for social media companies outlined in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act as he demanded.
Trump was also opposed a part of the bill that would rename 10 military bases and assets currently named after Confederate leaders within the next three years.
Otherwise, the POTUS was all crickets when it came to more money for weapons of war and his beloved Space Force.