Marjorie Taylor Greene, a white supremacist, GOP congressional candidate (who’ll probably end up in D.C. given her district in Georgia) who is endorsed by Donald Trump and is an unadulterated QAnon nutbag is now seemingly testing the waters in making threats to her soon to be congressional colleagues in “The Squad”.

In a Facebook post that went up on Thursday, the Georgia congressional candidate blustered on about saving America from socialism, weak politicians, and the usual rhetoric that gets Trump supporters fired up to post nonsensical bullshit on Facebook. The threat though that prompted Facebook to remove the image from the post featured Greene holding a rifle next to images of Ilan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a caption below that read “Squad’s Worst Nightmare”.

Hate America leftists want to take this country down … Politicians have failed this country. I’m tired of seeing…

Posted by Marjorie Taylor Greene for Congress on Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rep. Omar didn’t take the photo lightly saying the post was “incitement” while also calling out Trump’s hateful rhetoric that essentially provoked his supporters to chant “send her back” in reference to Omar during a Minnesota rally.

Greene in typical reactionary fashion responded by telling Omar to “relax” and asked her when she would “condemn the left wing violence being committed across the country”.

In any sense, Omar is absolutely right, this is nothing but incitement and Greene knows exactly what she’s doing. Omar as well as the rest of “The Squad” members have had to deal with countless numbers of threats against their lives due to bullshit, bigoted rhetoric like we’ve seen from Greene who said there’s a “Islamic invasion” in the U.S. Government and that members of congress should be “sworn in on a bible.”