This past week, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel had former president George W. Bush on to yuck it up once more, something Kimmel has had no hesitation doing now or in the past.
View if you’d like some of the nonsense below as Kimmel goes over “Bushism or Not?”.
Now I don’t need to go into Bush’s atrocious and brutal resume. Any sober-minded individual can come to terms that Bush and his administration are war criminals and that’s not hyperbole, it’s just straight fact. Likewise, Jimmy Kimmel isn’t the only Hollywood liberal guilty of rehabilitating some of the worst conservatives the world has ever seen.
Why is this the case though? And just how guilty is liberal Hollywood for indoctrinating the masses that someone like George W. Bush can actually have his reputation rehabilitated?
It’s hard to generalize Hollywood as a whole considering the varying power structures. Working and middle-class liberals may not even know the conservative rehabilitation they’re taking part in. Kimmel may not even know it despite his position in the upper class of society. However, rehabilitating someone like George W. Bush certainly serves someone like Kimmel much more than a regular working/middle-class liberal living in a suburb.
George W. Bush and others like him know exactly what they’re doing when given an opportunity like this.
Essentially the play here is keeping liberals still somewhat sympathetic to conservative politicians and in turn conservative politics to continue to suppress radical thinking.
If conservatism can continue to maintain its power grab on the politics of the world while reducing radical thought and action to mere cultural symbolism like painting “Black Lives Matter” on a street or peaceful protest ripe with pink pussy hats then that’s good enough for the conservatives and neoliberals in power. Rehabilitating the worst of the worst like George Bush only helps in that cause.
Who knows, we very well could see Donald Trump showing up on these late-night talk shows as the next conservative has his reputation rehabilitated.
Stay tuned.